Port Blair

We're in the Andamans!

Port Blair feels very much like another Indian town. Alice says she's looking for something different now and whilst I understand why, I'm feeling like I'm starting to "get" India, or maybe even this whole travelling thing. I feel relaxed and optimistic.

After a bit of an explore of the Abardeen Bazaar area in which we're situated, it becomes apparent that there aren't really that many places to eat or hang out. There are lots of shops though.

Earlier, during a power cut, we wandered into a dingy underground bar, looking for somewhere to get a drink. I had flashbacks to the episode in the Alleppey booze queue but we managed not to get killed. There were no women in the place. I tried to get a vodka and lemonade for Alice and met with some initial confusion. There was no issue getting a Kingfisher strong. It looked like most of the clientele had experienced similar ease, several times.

We've found some information about the other Islands and Havelock looks to be the place to go. There is a tourist information office about twenty minutes walk away, which was full of helpful people. Nobody tried to sell us anything. We can go down to Phoenix ("phonics") jetty tomorrow and, it being low season, shouldn't have any problems buying a ticket there and getting on the ferry.

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