Excuses, excuses

So... it's been a while.

I'm not dead.

Tired of lugging around an ever-increasing burden of books on my back, I picked up a Kindle in a Bankok shopping centre. Free wireless is everywhere here and I've been downloading books like a loon.

First on the list was A Song of Fire and Ice, which was adapted into the TV series A Game of Thrones. Game of Thrones can be expressed as an equation thusly...

If you like boobs and/or Lord of The Rings, and you're not the sort to question why all the medieval women have Brazilians, I strongly urge you to watch Game of Thrones. If you think reading's cool and don't mind less of an emphasis on the boobs, I strongly urge you to read the books as well. They're ace. Really - they're complex, dark and gritty, have interesting characters, and have a fantasy feel without the need for orcs and goblins. Also, the TV series has Sean Bean in it, who is Sharpe, who is excellent. I digress.

Consequently, every spare moment has been filled peering into my new Kindle. I haven't written anything in my journal and the blog has been neglected.

I expect you're here not to read about Sean Bean, but to look at pictures of beaches and such. So I've got some time on my hands this week and will be typing up what I wrote about Havelock Island and also jotting some stuff down about Thailand as we've experienced it so far.

Anyway, I hope this blog entry finds you well and I promise to shortly write some more stuff about actual travelling.


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