Fish Fry

This is essentially a marinade that can be used with lots of different fish. On this occasion, we had sardines. I wept salty tears of joy.

  • Red medium chilli powder
  • Garlic powder (half the quantity of chilli powder)
  • Ginger powder (half the quantity of chilli powder)
  • Pepper powder (half the quantity of chilli powder)
  • Turmuric (1tsp)
  • Garam Masala (1tsp)
    • Granny's secret recipe is below, you only want a little for the fish fry so make up a batch and leave the rest in the fridge.
      • Cinnamon 25g
      • Aniseed 100g
      • Cloves 10g
      • Cardamom 10g


  1. Mix spices well.
  2. Add 3-4 tablespoons of water and mix well. It should be stiff but smooth.
  3. Make sure the fish are gutted, scored and drained well.
  4. Rub the paste onto and into the fish. Get right in the crevices. You love it.
  5. You want a medium coating - not light, not caked.
  6. Leave to marinade.
  7. Cook to your liking. Ours were shallow fried with fresh curry leaves until well done.

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