Anyone can leave comments now...

I have changed the settings on the blog so that anyone can leave a comment. You don't need an account or anything, honest.

No pressure...

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog. Missing you lots and lots. Have moved into a flat in London now and have inherited a 6 month grey tabby called Toby who you would love. I have also got a bit of a surrogate big brother who mocks me daily and threatens to verbally abuse boys who are mean to me through social networks. It's filled your hole a little bit. India sounds amazing apart from all the poo. Still planning my trip to see you - think Oz at Christmas may be off the cards as flights are £1,500 at the mo. If I win the lottery between now and then however I shall be there with bows on. Can't wait for the next installment - I will print it off for Nan and Grandad. All my love, Sarie-Poo xx
