A Brief Interlude

It's been a while without any posts, partially because of scarcity of Internet access and partially because I've been ill. When I say ill, I mean the kind of tooth-chattering, night-shivering fever I've not had since I was a kid. You can couple that with the sort of near dysentery that Iceland-plugging d-list slebs dream about before bikini season.

Alice has been in good health and has been looking after me, bringing me food and water, putting up with my constant moaning and making sure I haven't fallen over every 5 minutes.
The good news is that I'm all better now. The super hardcore antibiotics we brought did the trick (thanks Dad).

I've written quite a bit in my journal - how much of it is useful and how much of it resembles some kind of mad opium dream remains to be seen. If there's anything useful I'll be posting from the past, hopefully fast enough to catch up.

I also thought my camera was malfunctioning until I realised that it only had a 32MB card in it, instead of the 32GB card I thought I had. This means my camera can store, oh, about 10 pictures. Sorry about the text-heavy posts.

You don't have to read them - just post a vague comment at the end so I can tell myself you have.

Ta ta x

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