Lift off!

Just a quick update before we leave: in an hour and a half we set off for Heathrow Airport.

And now, for the first time, PICTURES!

Below is everything I'm taking with me. This is all I have for at least the next year of my life...

I've just repacked my bag for what must be the 20th time this week. Worryingly, I have already lost my toothbrush. This does not bode well for the rest of the trip.

Here it is all packed...

I have included a tin of Pringles for scale.

So that's it. The next time you here from me, we'll be in Delhi eating aloo paratha and drinking mango lassi (thanks Shroff).

To everyone we're leaving behind - we miss you already!

1 comment:

  1. We miss you guys too!!! Have an amazing time!!! xxxxxxx
