Blog Fail. Also, AUSTRALIA!

So I've been a slacker and not blogged for ages.

It's been a ride. We've been through several countries. On the one hand, we've had several kinds of lurgy, and my face got infected. On the other hand, we've eaten the most spectacular food and seen some amazing scenery.

There's a whole load of stuff I've not written about - Kuala Lumpur, Otres Beach, Koh Samed, Penang and the Cameron Highlands. to name a few.

Alice is much more efficient and has already blogged about most of the above. If you haven't checked out her blog already, check the links above for pic and ting. Yes... yes... cop out.

We're currently in Hervey Bay, having landed in Brisbane. We're living in a camper van and driving up Australia's east coast. Every few nights we're stopping in at a camp site and having a shower an filling up on water for our portable kitchen. The rest of the time, we're trying to stay in free rest stops. Australia is EXPENSIVE and apparently nothing is free. I'm facing up to the certainty that eating out will be a very rare occurrence. I'm loving cooking out of the back of a van though - we had homemade burgers on the edge of a field full of cattle last night. They didn't seem to mind.

Spending time in a country where the natives speak English is a great feeling, as is being able to drive around. When we picked up our camper van, we had to wait about an hour in the reception, so the staff threw in a free GPS unit. This has been a life saver and, combined with the sensible road system and signs, driving around Oz has been a breeze.
Because we're in the van, Internet access is hard to come by and I'm not sure that I'll be able to upload photos and catch up with all the old bloggage. In fact, just accessing AC power is something of a luxury. 

We're off to visit Frazer Island tomorrow and then to explore some more of Oz by road, before hitting Sydney some time between Christmas and New Year.

As soon as we've managed to charge Alice's camera we'll take loads of photos and do a big update, promise.