The Path to Enlightenment

Aloha and namaste.

So on the way to enlightenment there's this plane crash, right, and a bald bloke playing backgammon on the beach. There's a polar bear that nobody really, properly explains. We have to type this code in every 24 hours. Then, after a load of faffing about we're suddenly, inscrutably in the 70s and everyone loses interest.

Finally, after exhibiting superhuman endurance and sticking with it until the finale, we're punched in the eyes repeatedly and left to wonder what just happened.

Siem Reap and Angkor Wat

**We've been without fast Internet for a while and uploading photos has been slooow. I've got so much to catch up on. So I'm just going to crack on with the words and upload the pics later**

When we reach a new location, emerging blinking from a bus or train, there are two good rules of thumb. Walk or take public transport when you can - I always feel better orientated and get a much better sense of place, plus I don't have to bargain with local drivers from a position of ignorance. If walking's not possible it's best to approach a taxi driver rather than go with one who approaches you.

A Holiday In Cambodia

After just over a week lazing by the Mekong it was time to leave.
We booked transport across the border to Cambodia, less than an hour away, and onward to the first enclave of civilisation following, Kratie.

There were some shenanigans at the border. Some bribes were avoided by paying a little extra to have someone process our visas in advance. It would have worked out about the same either way. The actual border crossing was made on foot. As we shuffled uncertainty from Laos to Cambodia, between immigration roadblocks, a group of Western tourists passed us coming the other way. The scene was reminiscent of a 60s Cold War spy exchange.